About.com: Dog vs. Skunk

Dog vs. Skunk - How to Deal With The Aftermath

skunk dogs

As the old saying goes, "curiosity killed the cat". But when it comes to skunks, curiosity tends to make dogs stink. All too many of us knows how the battle of dog vs. skunk turns out. . . it ends badly - and smelly. If your dog is among the many that have been sprayed by skunks, then you know what I am talking about. If not, I am sure you can imagine. So, what do you do when your dog comes home stinking of skunk? There are so many home remedies out there, and a few products on the market, but most of them don't do the trick. Tomato juice simply leaves you with a slightly less smelly pinkish-colored dog. Vinegar helps sometimes, but not enough.

Fortunately, there is a great way to de-skunk that curious dog of yours. A recipe created by chemist Paul Krebaum is, to date, the most effective method. It's all in the chemical reaction - it breaks up the oils and neutralizes the odor. There's much more to it, but I'm no chemist so I'll leave the explanation to the pros. Bottom line - if your dog is skunked, try this recipe. Then come back and let us know the results. Have you already used this method? If so, tell us how it turned out.



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